If your business is like most, you’re constantly making decisions related to money. Is it worthwhile for the business to spend this money? Can the business afford it? What do we get in return if we spend?Read More
If you’ve ever been in a position to hire a company you want to perform a service for you, you likely know simply hopping on a search engine can be quite overwhelming. Sure, Google might give you options, but how do you know you’re hiring the best choice?Read More
You might be old enough to remember the days of pulling out the Yellow Pages in the phone book to find information on your local pizza place or dentist. Now, instead, you grab your phone or computer, hop on and do a search.Read More
Content marketing is essential for any business. Whether it’s written, video, or images, the content you share with your prospects and customers helps define the image your brand has in the world.Read More
If you're new to SEO, you may be vaguely familiar with what keywords are, but not how to find them or what they mean. Keywords are essentially search terms that help consumers identify your business.Read More
Studies have shown that kids can recognize and correctly identify logos before they can read. That's how powerful logos and color choices can be! And while these studies used large-scale brands, smaller businesses can benefit from strong branding just the same.Read More
Backlinks are an important part of any digital marketing strategy. They help you rank higher in search engine results pages, and can even help your website's credibility with customers. But how do you go about getting them? And once you have them, how can you make sure they're helping your digital marketing efforts?Read More
If you own a business, you know how crucial it is to get repeat customers and attract new ones. The best marketing strategy won’t matter unless people see it. A key element to a successful business in today’s market is to create a powerful digital presence.Read More
It's been 9 years since I started Local SEO Search. At that time, small businesses were no longer getting good results from traditional advertising, and everyone was trying to figure out how to reach customers in a digital world.Read More
When it comes to search engine optimization (SEO), one of the most important goals is to rank well in search results. But why is that important? That’s a great question, and it’s the focus of today’s blog post. Why is ranking highly on Google so important to small businesses and what do you get from...Read More