
John Vuong
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According to the 2019 statistics, there are about 35.7 million vehicles registered across Canada. And all of these vehicles require regular tuning and maintenance to remain in top shape and to prevent accidents.
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Types of Buyers & How Understanding Them Could Transform Your Business
Why is it important for business owners to understand their buyers? Well, knowing who your buyers are, where they are located, and what they want helps you come up with effective strategies to deliver their services to them. It’s also crucial to understand their purchasing behaviour. The more you pay attention to their needs and...
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5 Basic On-Page SEO Factors that Will Get You Ranked on Google
Learn On-page SEO core elements that you need to tweak on your website to increase your chances of ranking highly on Google’s search results pages. To make it easier for your customers to find you after performing a Google search, it’s essential to clinch a top spot on Google’s search engine results pages.
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Landing page is an important tool in turning page visitors into paying customers. A great landing page informs, persuades, and excites prospective customers about your offers. At a glance, landing pages seem so easy to make — until you track your data and find out that none of the dozens of pages you put out...
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Top 10 SEO Companies in Canada Ranked
Are you on the hunt for the most trusted search engine optimization (SEO) all over Canada? To narrow down your options, it’s best practice to compare the performance of the leading players in the industry and see if they can help you reach your goals.
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Is managing and tracking pages for your business getting overwhelming? For many business owners, shuffling through multiple platforms for different purposes is tedious and time-consuming.
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How to Recover a Google My Business Listing
Google My Business is a crucial marketing tool for most small businesses, and if it’s not working you’re losing customers. If you’ve received an email or discovered that your account is suspended, getting it resolved quickly is a top priority.
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Prepare Your Business to Thrive Post-COVID-19
In March, when things started to shut down in Canada, many people assumed it would be a matter of weeks before things were back to normal. That has not been the case – months later, most areas are still closed and many nations continue to experience increases in detected cases.
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If you need dental work, you know that you need a reputable dentist. Going to the dentist is a top fear for many people, and having the right professional makes a big difference. How do you know which dentist in Toronto, Canada to choose?
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When Brian Dean first started on YouTube, he was completely at a loss about what to do. He knew it was essential to rank well on YouTube because it’s the second-largest search engine behind Google. He knew that great videos could get amazing traction and even go viral, which really helps your brand and your...
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