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The advent of social media sites altered the online world. After its humble start in 2006, Facebook became a worldwide phenomenon, gaining enough prominence and popularity to be accepted as an effective marketing medium. It has the potential to increase brand awareness and customer engagement. But is Facebook the most effective marketing tool for your business?
Despite its global success, Facebook recently ran into a few problems. Much of their massive user population was shocked to discover that their personal, online data was tracked, collated, and sold to other businesses. Facebook continues to serve a significant purpose: connecting friends, families, and community groups who share the same likes and interests. However, as the site pushes out more ads in personal newsfeeds, the reaction is not entirely positive.
When people are sharing information and photos on their personal Facebook profile, they can become offput by ads displayed on the page. The idea of a business promoting a newsfeed ad — specifically targeting you through personal data — resulted in significant pushback from users.
Facebook’s changes and the addition of advertising may have been driven by the need to monetize their site. Local businesses owners may choose to capitalize on these alterations by using a prominent social media platform to get the attention potential clients. However, not all businesses will benefit from Facebook advertising. Those who provide services, rather than products, will find it lacking.
If you are a clothing retailer introducing a new line, Facebook can assist you. In order to target, for instance, mothers or mommy groups, there are a variety of online local and international groups you can access. Special features on a Facebook fan page allow commercial establishments to direct feeds and posts to those groups, enabling a company to share new products with a specific market. In this case, you’re likely to get a return on your investment.
However, if you’re a local plumber in Toronto and you’re promoting services to the immediate area, you may need a different strategy. Potential clients searching for a plumber do not usually turn to Facebook — especially if they’re dealing with an emergency situation. They tend to go to Google and type their specific problems in the search bar, using their location.
The marketing medium you choose depends on the services or products you offer and the type of clients you’re targeting. Facebook remains an effective marketing tool for some businesses, but Google and other search engines fill a void Facebook cannot. When someone is in search of a specific business in a particular location, Google works to offer the best search result for that particular query.
If you’re a local business — like a tree service in Toronto, a dental clinic in Guelph, or a physiotherapy clinic in Brampton — take advantage of search engines and have your website found “organically.” This is where search engine optimization (SEO) comes in; by expertly implementing various SEO strategies, you will gain more visibility among search engines and reach your target market.
The first page of Google’s search results is prime real estate. The websites chosen for display are meticulously screened by the search engine’s algorithms. Google only rewards quality websites that provide exceptional and relevant content to consumers. Using proper SEO techniques and advice, you can catapult your business to the first page of Google and get the best return on your investment.
Local SEO Search Inc., helps local businesses in Canada and North America generate leads and attract potential customers. We can help you obtain the best return by partnering with your company to help you grow and dominate the local market through SEO. Call us at (416) 888-8756.